Since 1911, Madrid is the best seaport of Spain. In Desde 1911 you are the star.

Since 1911, Madrid is the best seaport of Spain. In Desde 1911 you are the star.


Desde 1911 is the homage Pescaderías Coruñesas wanted to pay to the family legacy, based on search of the excellency with a deep respect to the sea and to those fishermen’s generations that, with lots of effort and sweat, made it possible for Madrid to become the capital city for fresh fish and seafood in Spain.
Desde 1911 wouldn’t have been possible without the presence of María Juliana Azpíroz and Evaristo García, both from families with a wide tradition in artisanal fishing labors, and of their children, fourth – and proud – generation of fishermen and maragatos muleteers. After a decade at the helm of the family company, the García Azpíroz family fulfills a dream inaugurating Desde 1911, thus honoring the passion and fascination that his father, Evaristo García, always felt for restaurants.


Thanks to the great effort and evolution of these businesses, Madrid has turned into the place where the best product from different seaports of the littoral converges.

A process that began with the 15-days trips that maragatos muleteers made to Madrid accompanied by their oxen and mules and that currently allows us to find on the table a product that has been caught less than twenty-four hours ago. Therefore, the birth of Desde 1911 fulfills the dream of creating in Madrid a fish and seafood restaurant with a tailored menu based on the best available product, thus defying all the limits of space-time. That’s a prove that Madrid is still the best seaport of the Iberian Peninsula.


With Nordic inspiration in its distribution and decoration, the restaurant has three well-differenced spaces: the dining room, with views to the kitchen through a big window, the interior yard, open and landscaped with lush deciduous trees, source of light and setting for aperitifs and after-meals; and the Privado 1911 dining area.
Every day, the best fresh fish and seafood from our coasts at the perfect time for your enjoyment.


The menu of Desde 1911 is the maximum expression of the seafood of the day. For that, every day it reinvents itself and evolves, changing completely depending on the catch of the day just arrived from our shores and the best seasonal product. Every day, Desde 1911 team meets and decides on the products and dishes that will be enjoyed that day, offering a unique and unrepeatable gastronomic experience on a daily basis. To enjoy this proposal, the diner will find six starters, from which they can choose three, four or five, depending on the chosen menu, a single fish as the main course, which will be the best of those that have arrived that day at Pescaderías Coruñesas, and the experience will be closed with a cheese and desserts boards:

  • Menu 3+1: 175€
  • Menu 4+1: 190€
  • Menu 5+1: 220€
  • Menu 6+1: 250€

On the other hand, Desde 1911 wine cellar has reflected distinction, singularity and tradition through a wines’ menu that honors to the great national wineries that over the years have accompanied the journey of Pescaderías Coruñesas. Thus, in red wines’ list it’s possible to find old winery vintages, which ensure traceability and the guarantee of non- transfer. In international list, champagnes, white wines and old vintages that could not be missed in Desde 1911.


Desde 1911 was born with the aim of creating in Madrid – the best seaport in Spain and the best possible setting – a restaurant that offers the best seafood and fresh fish of the day.

To enjoy the product at its best, Desde 1911 is committed to traditional craft techniques, with a special role in the wood-fired oven, which manage to maintain and enhance the properties of fresh fish and shellfish. A tribute to the tradition of fishmongers and maragato muleteers that nowadays allows us to taste the best raw material from the sea through the experience and tradition of Pescaderías Coruñesas.


With a team of 40 people, led in the dining room by Abel Valverde and in the kitchen by Diego Murciego, Desde 1911 offers a tailor-made experience in which excellence, craftsmanship, personalization and enjoyment are the common thread of what happens both in the living room and in the kitchen.


With capacity for between 20 and 30 people, the Private 1911 allows to enjoy a tailor-made gastronomic experience in an intimate and exclusive setting with views of Desde 1911 central garden. In the same way as in the restaurant room, in the private room the diner will enjoy a menu made up of six starters, to choose three, four or five depending on the selected menu, with the best fish of the day as main course and desserts. According to the rhythm of the sea and the market, the details of the menu will be finalized the day before the reservation based on the best seasonal raw materials available.


Closed for vacation until 28th August. We open on Thursday 29th.

Tuesday and Wednesday:
From 1:30pm to 4:00pm

Thursday, Friday and Saturday:
From 1:30pm to 4:00pm and from 8:00pm to 11:00pm

Sunday and Monday: